Forms and Colors of the Being

Nidrā Yoga (yoga of dream and conscious sleep) is rooted in the traditions of Kashmir Shaivism and Vedanta, both dating back several thousand years. It presents the organization of the human being through five layers (koshas) to discover, explore, and intimately understand how to establish oneself in a state of consciousness where there exists no trace of separation, conflict, or suffering.
Nidrā Yoga is a practice towards complete lucidity, a journey from oblivion to self-presence. It is a gradual approach to awareness and to the sensation of being completely live. Very paradoxically, this awareness can only be perceived in a deep state of surrendering.
During the practice we consciously relax the muscles, organs, bones, sense organs (eyes, ears…), the process of sensing (vision, hearing…), and the various functions of the mind to transcend the limited self and to come into the field of cosmic consciousness when time, space and the Ego all dissolve, and there is nothing left but the experience of oneness. It is very psychologically purifying. The normal ups and downs of life begin to affect us less and less as we attain a joyful equanimity. Aside from relaxation, Nidrā yoga also involves concentration practices to find the balance between relaxation and concentration to trigger this super-conscious state.
Forms and colours

A little known aspect of Nidrā Yoga addresses the inner path through Yantras
The yoga of forms and colours leads to the steps of concentration and meditation codified by Patanjali.
This yoga uses simple geometric shapes and primary colours that are first visualised in the practice of Nidrā Yoga then reproduced on paper before finally being used for contemplation, revealing hidden dimensions of being.
In a second stage, they are combined into more complex geometric shapes (yantras) to provide a real opening to the pure meditative state (without object) which is described as samadhi or the natural state of being

During 3 weekends online we study the effects of geometric shapes on the state of the mind through the practice of Nidrā, discovering the world of simple shapes (square, circle, triangle, point) and their use in altering one’s state of mind.
The colours also have a big role and add another layer to the drawn shapes. These workshops bring us back to our childhood state of joy and playfulness.
The winter week (January 2022) in Latvia (or/and online) is a research on more complex Yantras and one’s own personal Yantra, which remains a support and a meditation tool for life.
This program of three weekends and one winter week is a complete module to address this yogic path in its entirety. The program is taught in English.
The teacher

André Riehl lived in a Himalayan monastery before spending several years in a spiritual quest in India among masters and instructors of diverse traditions. He had the opportunity to deepen his spiritual practice with Kashmiri Babu, an ascetic monk in the Shivaite tradition. He was profoundly touched by his contact with Jiddu Krishnamurti and Sri Ma Ananda Mayee. Being a disciple of Chandra Swami in the Brahmanic lineage of the Udasins allowed him to integrate all the previous teachings. In 1972, André became the president of the Federation of Traditional Yoga (France). Certified teacher in NIDRĀ YOGA by the Federation of Traditional Yoga; European Union of Yoga and the National Yoga Confederation of India.
Desiring to participate in the transmission and the preserving of the yogic culture, he dedicates himself to transmitting authentic teachings combining ancestral knowledge with contemporary attitudes through courses and seminars. From this point of view, the teaching which André offers combines an ensemble of practices allowing to integrate diverse facets which form our identity and our way of being in the world: development of the breath and conscious respiration, studies of the levels of relaxation and lucid dreaming, awakening the intuition, development of the degrees of concentration, using and mastering the faculties of sense, Sanskrit chanting, interior silence, and study of traditional texts.
- Weekend 1 (online): May 29-30, 2021
- Weekend 2 (online): September 11-12, 2021
- Weekend 3 (online): November 06-07, 2021
(Morning session 10:00 – 13:00, lunchbreak 2 hours, afternoon session 15:00-18:00)
Winter retreat week: Wed, January 26 – Mon, January 31, 2022
(At a retreat centre in Latvia, Riga or its surroundings. If the traveling will be still limited due to sanitary situation in the world, the program will continue online completely or partly for those who will have some restrictions to come to venue place).
The enrolment form must be sent to [email protected] before May 1st, 2021. After registration the confirmation letter and payment details will be sent. The registration is final after receiving non-refundable payment.
Teaching fee for 3 weekends and 1 winter week (12 days): 720 €
- Enrolment fee: 400 € (shall be paid before May 22, 2021)
- Remaining amount 320 € (shall be paid before September 04, 2021)
(Information about additional costs for accommodation and meals during Winter retreat week will follow closer to event dates)
A certificate of attendance will be issued for those attending the whole cycle of the training 2021-2022.
The training is organised by RASA – Nidra Yoga International, certified by Fédération des Yoga Traditionnels, acknowledged by :
- the European Union of Yoga
- the Indian Yoga Confederation
- the Indian Yoga Association
Contact Information
For more information and registration:
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone, WhatsApp: +371 29465455 (Mrs. Sanita Silina)
Follow us:
I’m very interested in this training course and would like to register.
I practice yoga and I like to meditate.
Kind Regards Estelle
André Riehl
Good evening Estelle
Thanks for your message
Please kindly contact Sanita Silina, in charge of the organisation of this program by emailing her at the following address
[email protected]
Warm regards